James Langridge

👋 Hi.

I'm James, a full stack software engineer with over 5 years of experience, working at Orbit Software Laboratories since August 2023.

I've worked for established, multinational enterprises, and small, agile startups, building full stack web applications with a variety of languages, frameworks, and libraries.

I also run a lot, juggle (knives, fire, pretzels, you name it), and (mostly fall off my) skateboard.

You can browse projects I've worked on below, and view or download my CV.

Projects (professional)

mappingzeroMarch – September 2024 (Orbit Labs)Data visualisation dashboard for CO₂ emissions, that calculates and shows the complex effect that selecting policy measures has on the data.

Tech stack

  • Next.js 14 (App Router), React 18, TypeScript, D3.js, Chakra UI, Payload CMS, Orama search, Figma.

Notable contributions

  • Custom dynamic data visualisations with D3.js.
  • Responsive dashboard UI layout working with Chakra UI and Figma.
  • Client-side state management and complex business logic to update the charts based on user interaction.
  • Data import feature in the Strapi CMS, to parse CSV files on the client, transform and store the data as JSON on the server.
  • Data fetching and caching on the client, including pagination and filtering.
  • Shareable link of current data visualisation.
  • Download CSV files of currently selected data.
  • Onboarding tour walkthrough with popovers.
inga & friendsAugust 2023 – Present (Orbit Labs)URL monitoring designed for small businesses and solo professionals.

Tech stack

  • TypeScript, Next.js 14 (App Router), React 18, MongoDB, Chakra UI, Firebase, Docker, Terraform, Gitlab.

Notable contributions

  • Migrated the entire app from Next.js v13 Pages Router to v14 with App Router.
  • First automated tests with Jest and CI jobs with GitLab CI/CD.
  • Refactored the core Node.js cron job to a separate Docker container, using Terraform.
  • Share feature for groups of users to share url monitors.
xrFebruary 2024 – Present (Orbit Labs)Storage, management, and exchange platform for digital asset and media data, targeted at corporations, agencies, and individual professionals.

Tech stack

  • Rust, TypeScript, Node.js, React 18, React Query, PostgreSQL, Tailwind CSS, Docker, Express.js, Digital Ocean, Terraform, Airtable.

Notable contributions

  • Persistent caching of uploaded assets in commonly used dimensions, resulting in improved performance.
  • Secured database access by improving the SQL query logic.
  • Implemented the auth service deployment on Digital Ocean with Docker and Terraform.
  • Optimised the responsiveness to improve the mobile experience.
  • Share feature to give read-only access to assets.
automated bidirectional data syncNovember 2023 – Present (Orbit Labs)Cloud function that runs nightly to fetch and parse data from two APIs, apply complex business logic, transform the data, and store it in the other database.

Tech stack

  • Node.js, Firebase, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Personio, Teamleader, Slack notifications.

Notable contributions

  • Led the development, mentoring junior developer.
  • Set up mock server with msw and faker-js for efficient development without effecting production systems.
  • Configured Jest for testing.
  • Deployed the program as a scheduled Firebase cloud function running in GCP.
  • Implemented notifications of errors via Slack.
portaNovember 2021 – February 2023E-commerce site for a 1-billion-euro furniture retail business with over 130 shops in Germany.

Tech stack

  • TypeScript, Next.js, Contentful CMS, Styled-JSX, Commercetools, Node.js, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Microservices, Pub/Sub, Figma, Jira.

Notable contributions

  • Created a Node.js service to import ~1 million stock data entries daily from the ERP system into the e-commerce platform (commercetools).
  • Built a Node.js service to serve product data from commercetools to the front end and other microservices via Google Pub/Sub.
  • Extended the Contentful rich text renderer to implement custom functionality.
software for energy techOctober 2024 – Present (Orbit Labs)Greenfield project for a global leader in energy technology.

Tech stack

  • C#, .NET, Azure, Angular.
starfinanzJuly 2024 – Present (Orbit Labs)Marketing site for a leading provider of multi-bank online and mobile banking solutions in Germany.

Tech stack

  • Wordpress, PHP, SQL, HostEurope.

Notable contributions

  • Optimised performance significantly by profiling and migrating site from managed hosting to self-hosted.
asmodeeJanuary 2024 – Present (Orbit Labs)Marketing/catalogue website for tabletop game publisher Asmodee GmbH.

Tech stack

  • Next.js 12 (Pages Router), React 17, TypeScript, Strapi CMS, Tailwind CSS, Twin.macro, Python, Asana.
classmarketsSeptember 2019 – September 2021Scalable white-label job/real estate portal for regional and national newspaper publishers in Germany and Austria.

Tech stack

  • PHP, Symfony, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, React.

Projects (hobby)

clucker clockerNovember 2023 – PresentMinimalist time tracker.

Tech stack

  • Next.js 14 (App Router), React Server Components, Tailwind CSS, shadcn/ui.
personal trainer plannerMarch 2023 – December 2023Client management and scheduling app for personal trainers and their clients.

Tech stack

  • Next.js 13 (App Router), RSC, Redux Toolkit, RTK Query, Prisma, PostgreSQL, NextAuth, Tailwind CSS, shadcn/ui.
pi in the skyAugust 2024Camera streaming service designed for monitoring on mobile.

Tech stack

  • Raspberry Pi 5, Picamera2, Flask, Python, Next.js 14, React 18.
multi-zone nextjs monorepoApril 2024Deployment of a multi-zone monorepo (this site).

Tech stack

  • Next.js 14 (App Router), Micro-frontend, Monorepo, React 18, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Vercel.
space is coolMay 2023 – January 2024 (Archived)User interface to view, search, and save photos taken by NASA's rovers on Mars. Unfortunately, NASA changed the API, so this is broken.

Tech stack

  • Next.js 14 (App Router), React Server Components, Tailwind CSS, shadcn/ui.
nextjs contentful blogMarch 2023 – May 2023 (Archived)Statically generated marketing & blog site.

Tech stack

  • Next.js 13 (App Router), TypeScript, Contentful CMS, Tailwind CSS.
number blocksMarch 2023 (Archived)PWA mobile game for toddlers learning to read numbers and count.

Tech stack

  • React 18, TypeScript.
lock words downFebruary 2021 – October 2021 (Archived)Educational app for use by specialist teachers of dyslexic children.

Tech stack

  • React 17, TypeScript, Redux, Styled Components, MongoDB, Express.js, Node.js
quipmashMarch 2021 – May 2021 (Archived)Real-time multiplayer quiz game.

Tech stack

  • React 17, Redux, Socket.io, MongoDB, Express.js, Node.js.